


日 時
2024年9月10日(火) 15:00
場 所
演 題
Effect of Myrrh, Chamomile Flower Extract, and Coffee Charcoal in an Integrative Treatment of IBS Patients with Intestinal Barrier Dysfunction detected by Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy.
Jost Langhorst Professor
University of Duisburg-Essen, Clinic for Integrative Medicine, Sozialstiftung Bamberg, and Department for Integrative Medicine
Vertebrata lanosa - A red alga with antimicrobial potential.
Verena Spiegler Professor
University of Muenster, the Institute of Pharmaceutical Biology and Phytochemistry
Phytotherapy in Japan and Germany - chances for cooperation.
Rainer Stange Professor
Immanuel-Hospital Berlin
History of European medicine in Japan
Kenny Kuchta Professor
Georg August University Goettingen, Department Vegetation and Phytodiversity Analysis
担 当
漢方医学センター 教室
責任者:福永 興壱 教授
担当者:吉野 鉄大 先生(内線 61861)
