


2024年7月16日(火) 14:00 開催

場 所
演 題
The Evidence Maps of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine
Mariana Cabral Schveitzer Professor
Federal University of Sao Paulo-Unifesp
Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (TCIM) including herbal medicine, acupuncture, mind-body therapies, and manual therapies encompasses a broad range of practices that are not typically part of conventional medical training but are used to enhance well-being and manage health conditions. Despite their widespread use, the evidence base for many TCIM practices remains fragmented and inconsistent. This lecture aims to present an evidence map of TCIM, highlighting the current state of research, identifying gaps, and suggesting future directions.
Prof. Dra. Schveitzer will introduce evidence maps of TCIM, the methodology used to create the evidence maps, and key findings from the evidence map will be presented, showing areas where strong evidence supports the efficacy and safety of TCIM practices, as well as areas where further research is needed.
Prof. Dra. Schveitzer will conclude with recommendations for researchers, practitioners, and policymakers on advancing the field of TCIM. By highlighting the strengths and limitations of current evidence, this lecture aims to foster a more informed and integrative approach to healthcare.
担 当
漢方医学センター 教室
責任者:福永 興壱 教授
担当者:吉野 鉄大 先生(内線 61861)

2024年7月19日(金) 17:00 開催

場 所
演 題
Pediatric Plastic Surgery in the United States
Akira Yamada Professor
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine, Ann & Robert H. Rulie Children's Hospital of Chicago
担 当
形成外科学 教室
責任者:貴志 和生 教授
担当者:岡部 圭介 先生(内線 62351)
