


日 時
2024年5月20日(月) 18:00
場 所
演 題
Fundamental principle of adult spinal deformity
Munish Gupta MD
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Washington University School of Medicine
The management of adult spinal deformity (ASD) requires a personalized, multidisciplinary approach. Effective treatment hinges on thorough assessment using advanced imaging to understand the severity and impact of the spinal curvature. This paper underscores the importance of tailoring treatment plans to individual patient factors such as age, health, and psychological well-being, weighing both surgical and non-surgical options.

Non-surgical treatments like pain management and physical therapy are preferred initially. If surgery is necessary, candidate selection and the choice of surgical technique are crucial. Minimally invasive procedures and advanced technologies like robotics enhance precision and reduce risks.

Postoperative care and continuous monitoring are essential to assess the success of the intervention and manage any complications. This comprehensive strategy aims to improve overall functionality and quality of life, ensuring that treatment addresses both the physical deformity and its broader impacts.
担 当
整形外科 教室
責任者:中村 雅也 教授
担当者:渡辺 航太 先生(内線 62344)
